
2011 is a prime number year, the first one since 2003.

2011 is also the sum of 11 CONSECUTIVE prime numbers: 2011=157+163+167+173+179+181+191+193+197+199+211

2011 is also the sum of 3 CONSECUTIVE primes 2011 = 661+673+677

Two prime numbers are “consecutive” if they follow one upon the other, in the collection of prime numbers. So, for example, 3 and 5 are consecutive prime numbers, as are 7 and 11.

2011 is ALSO the sum of a 2 prime numbers (11 and 3) of consecutive prime numbers.

The next year after 2010 that is a prime number and a sum of consecutive prime numbers is 2027 = 29+31+37+41+43+47+53+59+61+67+71+73+


but that year is not a sum of a prime number of consecutive prime numbers.

However, 2027 does have the curious and interesting property that it is prime and the sum of its digits 2+0+2+7=11 is also a prime number. It is the first year after 2003 that has this property.

The next year that is a prime number and a sum of a prime number of consecutive prime numbers is 2081 =401+409+419+421+431.

Happy New Year


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